Stephen and Courtney

Stephen and Courtney

Monday, June 25, 2018

Do you know what I love the most about you?

Drew has always been a talker and inquisitive.  He likes to know about a lot of different things and can keep a conversation going.  When he was three he climbed up in my Poppi's lap.  Poppi is Drew's great-grandfather.  He sat in Poppi's lap facing him, asking questions, and talking for quite awhile.  Suddenly, he grabbed Poppi's face in his little hands and said, "Poppi, do you know what I love the most about you?".  Poppi told him that he didn't know and Drew answered, "Because you answer all my questions".  I have always loved that moment.

Sunday morning in worship at church I could not get that picture out of my head.  As I have been praying for the Lord's direction in some areas lately, I was thinking about this moment.  I imagined my hands grabbing the Lord's face and telling him what I love about Him.  I love that He answers all my questions, too.  He gave us His Word and speaks through it to us.  His Spirit leads us.  I love that He is always faithful.  I love that He will never leave us.  I love so many things about who He is.  What do you love about Him?

1 comment:

  1. I love that He is always there any time of the day. I love that He never lets me fail. That He always turns every hard time I have into a good lesson that I can always later admit that I needed. God is good all the time! Love you and this blog Courtney!
